phrasal verb

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


phrasal verb

  1. verbi, teonsana, fraasiverbi, partikkeliverbi.

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fraasiverbi, partikkeliverbi puhekieltä A two-word verb, consisting of a verb and an adverb, that has idiomatic meaning.
puhekieltä A phrase, consisting of a verb and either or both of a preposition or adverb, that has idiomatic meaning.

Thus, it would seem that as far as GAPPING is concerned, the whole expression put off is somehow treated as a single 'compound Verb'. But this is the very intuition which we encapsulated in analysis (125) (b), by giving the sequence put off the status of a single V constituent (i.e. by analysing it as a Phrasal Verb). Thus, facts about GAPPING lend yet further support to analysis (125).

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